danshari is the word of year in japan in 2013.
the haiku below explains the made-up word it in a minimal way that it's supposed to be:
“Since my house burned down I now have a better view of the rising moon”
Mizuta Masahide
literally, it's a concept for home storage, you refuse - > dispose -> seperate.
then you can learn the best of minimal living environment.
the three kanji characters brought the Zen theory onto day-to-day living, materially and mentally.
According to danshari, clutter weighs you down in more ways than one. It keeps you looking in your past and unable to enjoy your present or make plans for your future. And when you think about it, things don’t have memories – you do.
Danshari involves you first making firm decisions about what to keep and what to reject. Then you dispose of things you have rejected to keep in your life. Finally, you emotionally separate yourself from those things that you no longer need and gain freedom from the clutter.
Danshari is mostly an intervention designed for hoarders, but there are a lot of ideas that I like in there. I like the idea of going back to basics in these times when we’re overwhelmed with gadgets we ‘can’t live without’.
source: https://subtletimes.wordpress.com/2010/10/23/danshari/
danshari lifestyle

more in : https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2011/02/27/national/media-national/ditching-materialism-for-the-simple-life/#.WvQH3Sig9PY
where to buy: https://www.amazon.com/Danshari-Shin-Katazukejutsu/dp/4838720521
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